Over 200 guests took a gamble on an evening of gaming, food, and fun with…

Smoke, Sizzle, and Support: CahabaQue BBQ Cook-Off Raises Over $25,000 for Local Breast Cancer Research
Cahaba Brewing Co. and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama (BCRFA) are proud to announce the winners of the Fall CahabaQue BBQ Cook-Off, held Saturday, October 7. Drawing over 1,000 guests and 11 cook teams, the event netted $25,455 for breast cancer research in Alabama. Judges were tasked with selecting the winners for Best CahaBUTT and Best Sauce, creating a fun day of flavorful competition.

“CahabaQue is always such a fantastic event, but it’s really special in October as we celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” said Eric Meyer, Cahaba Brewing Co. COO. “It is through community collaborations like these that we can harness the power of Birmingham’s incredible generosity and make a lasting impact on such a crucial cause. We want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the teams, sponsors, guests, and judges for helping us fuel breast cancer research. We look forward to continuing this journey together in the fight against breast cancer.”
The Fall 2023 CahabaQue winners were:
Best CahaBUTT:
- First place: Electric Q
- Runner-up: Austin Whereabouts
- Third place: JRW Buttkickers
Best Sauce
- First place: JRW Buttkickers
- Runner-up: NOTORIOUS P.I.G.
- Third place: Swinal Tap
People’s Choice Butt: Niceley Done
People’s Choice Side: JRW Buttkickers
Most Creative Team Name: Notorious P.I.G.
The event also served as the unveiling of a newly designed can for DD’s Cherry Hibiscus Sour. A percentage of sales from this iconic pink Berliner Weisse benefit the BCRFA. DD’s is now on sale in Cahaba Brewing’s taproom and in stores throughout the fall while supplies last.
“Every dollar raised at CahabaQue is a stepping stone in the path towards a future without breast cancer,” said Beth Davis, BCRFA President & CEO. “The more we can invest in breakthroughs in breast cancer detection, treatment, and prevention, the more lives are spared from this devastating disease.”
Since 2013, CahabaQue has raised a total of $257,135 for the BCRFA. Breast cancer affects an estimated 1 in 8 women and 1 in 1,000 men at some point in their lifetime. 4,500 Alabama women will be diagnosed this year alone.
The next CahabaQue will be held on Saturday, April 13, 2024, at Cahaba Brewing Co. For more information on this and other BCRFA events, visit bcrfa.org/events.

About the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama
Founded in 1996, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama (BCRFA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to find a cure for breast cancer by funding promising breast cancer research in Alabama and raising community awareness and funding for that research. BCRFA funds promote a comprehensive approach to battling breast cancer by fueling collaborative and innovative research to help diagnose, treat, prevent, and eradicate the disease. Thanks to generous community support, BCRFA’s lifetime investment in life-saving research is nearly $14 million. All funding stays in Alabama, but the impact is worldwide. Learn more about our mission and breakthroughs at www.bcrfa.org.