The City of Calera eagerly announces its continued partnership with the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama (BCRFA) for the 14th consecutive year, completing a considerable accomplishment of raising $43,000 during the Calera Goes Pink! Campaign.
City of Calera Goes Pink for Breast Cancer
Birmingham, AL-The Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama (BCRFA) is proud to partner with the City of Calera, Alabama for the fifth year to raise money for life-saving breast cancer research.
Beginning in late-September and continuing during the month of October, the City of Calera will be participating in several fundraising events designed to raise dollars for breast cancer research. Starting with the sale of “Calera Goes Pink!” t-shirts, specially designed by three Calera High School students, the City of Calera and the public schools joined forces to sell t-shirts for this community event.
On September 25th, Ricky Cairns stadium on Hwy. 25 in Calera will be decked out in pink where the Calera Eagles and the Shelby County Wildcats will be honoring local breast cancer survivors and their families at the Friday night football game, as well as the youth football game on Saturday, September 26th. People are encouraged to wear the “Calera Goes Pink!” shirts to the high school game. All things “pink” will be available for purchase at all games for a nominal fee that will be donated to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama.
The community is also encouraged to wear the specialty shirts during “Pink Month”-October 1 through October 31, 2015.
The junior board of the Calera Chamber and Shelby County High School are also selling celebration signs to benefit BCRFA. The signs are $5 and bear the Calera Goes Pink, Calera Chamber and the South Shelby Chamber logos. The celebration signs will be displayed at the football games and then moved to their respective city hall lawns for the month of October. All proceeds for the pink signs will go to fund research.
On Sunday, October 25, Timberline Golf Club will host the “Calera Goes Pink!” finale event with a golf tournament consisting of four-person teams. Presented by the Executive Women’s Golf Association, the annual golf tournament is a great way to end Calera’s month long efforts to fund research. Player registration is $100 per person. A portion of the proceeds will be used to fund research through the BCRFA. Interested individuals and teams should contact Kate Kiefer at 205-585-6965 or [email protected].
“In the past 4 years, the City of Calera has raised over $125,000 to support breast cancer research. I am excited and proud of our community’s involvement with this worthy cause. We hope to increase our fundraising total this year as support from our City, local businesses and our wonderful citizens continues to grow each year. ” says Mayor Jon Graham.
Kate Kiefer, Board of Directors President of the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama said, “The City of Calera’s leadership in bringing their community together is a model for what a grass-roots fundraising effort can do. Calera shares BCRFA’s passion for keeping the money raised in Alabama to support breast cancer research and we are thrilled to see so much commitment to saving lives.”
Net proceeds from all events will help the BCRFA provide the critical seed dollars required to secure national breast cancer research grants. All research dollars raised in Alabama will stay in Alabama at the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center, but the research and new treatments discovered reach women across the nation.
About the Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama
The Breast Cancer Research Foundation of Alabama was formed in 1996 with the goal of raising awareness of and funding for breast cancer research in the State of Alabama. With support from corporations and individuals, the Foundation has raised over $5 million in funding for breast cancer research at the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center. For additional information, or to get involved with the BCRFA, please contact our office at (205) 996-5463 or visit